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Tom's Tech Wonderland: Where Creative Code Meets Endless Adventures, and Debugging Never Ends... Seriously, Send Snacks!

Tom Ludwig


If you see me talking to my computer, don't worry, we're just having a heated debate about semicolons.

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Apps that are still in development

Lagermanager will help everybody keep track of the current Products.

Lexicon for SwiftUI is a simple Lexicon for beginners, who need extra help with the framework.

Fachwirt im Gastgewerbe is a quiz app for business administrators who are currently in learning.

If you have a great app idea but don't know how to code it yourself, please feel free to contact us.

Maybe your idea

About Tom

I've been researching different programming languages for years. But the one I like the most is Swift. To help me remember the many different pieces of code, I developed my own learning aid, Lexicon for SwiftUI. After that, I developed Fachwirt im Gastgewerbe which was my first collaboration with RenĂ© Wolff, which was a lot of fun.

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